Q. When was TAUNS established?

The Company was founded in 1987, but TAUNS in its current form was established on April 14, 2016.

Q. When was TAUNS listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?

TAUNS was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on June 20, 2024.

Q. What is the history of TAUNS?

Please see Corporate History.

Q. What is your management philosophy and the meaning behind your company name and logo?

Please see Management Philosophy.

Q. What kind of business do you operate?

Please see TAUNS at a Glance.

Q. What are TAUNS’ ESG initiatives?

With the corporate slogan “Peace of mind through diagnostic technology,” we aim to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by bringing peace of mind and enrichment to people’s lives through our proprietary in vitro diagnostic products and by promoting ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) initiatives in all our business activities. For more information, please see Sustainability.

Q. What is TAUNS’ approach to corporate governance?

We recognize that the important management issue is to promote corporate management that continuously increases shareholder value by clarifying management responsibility and accountability to shareholders, customers, employees, and other stakeholders, and by enhancing management efficiency, soundness, and transparency. In pursuing these initiatives, we are working to further improve our corporate governance by thoroughly adhering to corporate ethics and legal compliance, and by strengthening our organizational structure and internal organizational controls and risk management systems to enable rapid response to changes in the business environment. For more information, see Corporate Governance.

About Stock and Shareholder Returns

Q. What is your securities code?

The security code of our company is 197A. The industry classification is “Pharmaceutical.”

Q. What market is TAUNS listed on?

Our company is listed on the Standard Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Q. What is the number of shares in a trading unit?


Q. When is the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held?

It is scheduled for late September of each year. Please refer to the IR Calendar for the latest information.

Q. What is your basic policy on shareholder returns? What are the trends in your dividend payments?

Please see Dividends.

Q.When is the shareholder record date for dividend payment?

The shareholder record date for the year-end dividend is June 30. If an interim dividend is paid, the record date for the interim dividend is December 31. Please check with your securities firm to confirm whether or not you are entitled to dividends.

Q. Do you have a shareholder benefit plan?

There is currently no shareholder benefit plan.

About Financial Results

Q. When does your fiscal year end?

The fiscal year ends on June 30.

Q. When are financial results released?

Please refer to the IR Calendar for the schedule of financial results announcements.

Q. Please tell us about your business performance.

For key financial results over the past five years, see Financial Highlights. For the latest financial materials, please refer to the IR Library.

Q. What is your outlook for business performance?

Please refer to the latest financial results in the IR Library.